Which Wich

Hello〜! This fall semester is going to finish, so I have to use a meal plan a lot!!! 

I have eaten a lunch at Witch witch recently.

Ham & bacon is my favorite! I often add the tomato, red onions and the spinach. I used to choose honey mustard source, but   I prefer vinegar and ranch source😋 

I used to buy sandwitches at 7-eleven in Japan. Japasese sandwitches are little different. They have soft parts of breads, not baguette, and they are smaller than American one. But I loved it. 

Anyway, I will try every ingredients in Witch witch to spend my meal plan..😂

Day Trip

Hello there! I went to Fayetteville yesterday, and ate super delicious tacos!

I went to Con Quesos. This restaurant exists only in Fayetteville because it is not a chain store! 

I ate beaf&avocad taco and chiken taco! They really were tasty😂💖

After that, I went to a cat cafe called Purr Catfe. I did not think I have an allergy of cats, but after I touched cats, my face got itchy and I could not stop sneezing… 

I also went shopping in a mall and bought  some clothes at Forever21. 

It was very enjoyable trip! I defenitely will go to Con Quesos again!!!

Talent show

Hey! I performed on International Talent Show on Friday!

We danced Japasese traditional dance! It is called “So-ran Bushi” and based on the move of fishermen in Japan. We did making up as Kabuki. Everyone was surprised by our looking😂 

We practiced hard almost everyday and we thought we can get the first place,so we gonna get 300 dollars. But Nepali guys got one. Actually, they deserved the first place, they really were awesome. 

We are chagrin that we could not win the prize😭 But we really enjoyed global interaction😂💖 And I am glad that I could share Japasese culture!

My challenge

Hello! I’m going to talk about art class🎨

My professor of art class put my drawing on the wall of Norman Building. Mine is on the bottom of right line. I drew two points of perspective. It was a challenge for me because I have never drawn perspective. I have a bunch of reflection points, but the professor praised me😭💖 

Besides, I also drew my portrait.

I really enjoyed to draw a portrait. My favorite points are shadows and lips. But I drew my eyes too big… 

I do not have time of art class in this semester, so I want to enjoy and get over my weak points.

My favorite 3

Hi! I’m going to talk about my favorite place in Japan!

This is Futakotamagawa in Kanagawa prefecture. This place has not only a lot of shopping spots and trendy clothing stores but also nature. I went there to do BBQ with my friend of university.

It takes about fifteen minutes from our university, but takes more than one hour from my house… There are many rich people in the town.

I really love this picture! It was taken by gopro. It was very hot day, and I caught a cold after this day🤕 I really miss these friends but after I go back to Japan, I can stay university only one semester〜😂😂😂

About my mom

Hello! I’m going to talk about how people are addicted a technology.

About a week ago, my mom told me that her phone was broken by using my cousin’s phone. Mom and I text almost everyday and talk on the phone about once a week. So I lost means of communication for mom, and it made me miss her so badly😂 

But this became a good chance to think about we live in a really convenient era. I cannot imagine to survive without a phone. This article shows how easy these days’ communications are.

Without a phone, ways we can communicate with people are analog ways like letters.

To my relief, mom told me her phone was fixed by Apple Store some days ago.

I think I can no longer survive without technology…

By the way, this is a photo of mom and me! 


Hello! I just went to Halloween party in Baztech! 

We wore kimono. (It is Japanese traditional clothing) 

Baztech was like a club! Everyone danced and wore unique costumes!👿💖 Some of them wore jorker, and some wore disney princesses! It was so exciting! 

It was really good experience to join the party.Actually I did not want to go to the party, but my friend called me. Besides, I could eat some free food and candies✌🏻️💖

I think it is good that everyone enjoy their halloween. Japanese people think halloween can be noisy and create a lot of trash, so it is difficult to do such a party.

Skelton Drawing

Hello! I took an art class today and we drew Mr. Skelton because today is halloween!💀💀

We used a white charcoal and black paper. And some of my classmates wear unique costumes such as Captain America and zombie👿 The class was really fun and put on halloween music like The Nightmare before Christmas

Drawing a skelton was little difficult because he has a lot of bones and teeth, so it is complicated… 

I saw some pictures of Japasese halloween on my friend’s SNS, as I thought, Shibuya was really crowded… I will never go there on halloween… 

Anyway, I’m really exciting to go to a party in Baztech today!

Birthday Party

Hello〜. I’m going to talk about one Japasese guy’s birthday party on last Friday.

He turned 28 years old…😱 Many international students came to his party, and sang many songs.(Some of them were not good at singing) It was like a club👯

We played some cards games and ate a cake! I bought a cake in Wal-Mart🎂 But at first, I was planing to buy cake in the cake place. They have a lot of cute cakes and we also design cakes!  Since I do not have time to design a cake, I bought it in Wal-Mart.

To celebrate someone makes me happy, and I thought Birthday party is always wondaful💖🎂

Trick or Treat!!🎃

Hi! I went to halloween party in a church today.  This party was held in a parking lot. Kids walked around and said “Trick or Treat!” They wore diverse types of clothes  like pokemon and m&m.  

We took a position of crafts😂

Many children came to us and colored bags and pictures.

Watching a lot of costumes was really fun.

I wore a costume of jorker last year.

It is Universal Studio Japan. We got on the train with these costumes, and many people looked us… In America, every one enjoy their costumes and it is really good thing. Anyway, I’m going to enjoy tomorrow’s party in Tech!